Cognitive creativity – The chicken-or-egg dilemma

By Elena Nisioti

Which came first, cognition or creativity? As science and our understanding of our cognitive abilities evolves, we often realize that our traditional, firm convictions can easily transform to chicken-or-the-egg dilemmas. Although it was until recently widely believed that creativity is a near-magical ability of the few, associated with the power to transcend common thinking and…

Augmented Intelligence – No artificial flavours added to your AI

By Elena Nisioti

When our ancestors came up with tools and techniques to cultivate the earth, humanity experienced an Agricultural Revolution. When Watt invented the steam engine, he laid the ground for the Industrial Revolution. When personal computers and smart-phones became a part of our everyday life, the Digital Age began. Society has experienced continuous change due to…

A smooth introduction to computer vision

By Elena Nisioti

The history of computer vision has always been intermingled with our pursuit for artificial intelligence. The research groups that, in the late 50s, started investigating how machines can become intelligent, were also concerned with the question of how computers can mimic the ability of humans to see, and thus acquire a high level understanding of…

Living in the Internet of Things era

By Elena Nisioti

Back in 1926 Tesla envisioned something that sounded suspiciously similar to what we today call the Internet of Things (IoT). To him, the ability of devices to transmit wirelessly would naturally lead to an interconnected world of instruments, a technological brain present in our mere pockets.

A simple introduction to speech recognition

By Elena Nisioti

Have you ever tried to watch a foreign movie in a language that you’ve recently learned without subtitles? Or conversed on the phone with someone that is eating at the same time? Speech recognition is a task where even humans face difficulties if the conditions are not ideal.